Name: Clifton Lee
Inmate I.D.: #813869
Gender: Male
Race: African American
DOB: 5/3/1993
In Search Of: Females
Convicted Of: Assault w/ intent to commit Murder
Release Date: 11/01/2053

Clifton Lee #813869
Marquette Branch Prison
1960 US Hwy. 41 South
Marquette, MI 49855

My name is Clifton, but everybody calls me Terron or TLee. I'm lookin for female friends to build meaningful bonds and relationships, that has substance. Friends that is not going to waste my time or energy. Friends that's going to be in my corner and have my back like I'm going to have theirs. Friends that's going to push and contribute to me getting out of prison. If this sounds like you, then tap in. You can contact me on and regular handwritten letters. If you do Jpay me please send either your phone number or address because, I can't write back on Jpay and please include a picture. Lastly, I only ask if you are a man I would appreciate if you do not contact me.

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E-mail Clifton Lee

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