Supreme Greetings,
I would like to thank you for choosing my web page to view. I'm very grateful. My goal in placing this webpage is to hopefully make some good, close friendships and then spending everyday earning your wonderful friendship. Please allow me to tell you about myself. I'm a native of Sunnyvale CA. I'm 6'4", with caramel brown eyes and a strong build. I'm a Christian who believes in the Lord. I have 2 1/2 years of education, I'm kind, intelligent, humorous, loyal, a good attentive listener, very approachable and presentable. I'm looking for someone who's kind, open-minded, compassionate, and adventurous with a generous disposition. I'm open to any race, age, height, weight and I'm respectful of all cultures, nationalities and races. I have been incarcerated since 1996 for harming two persons who kidnapped, sexually assaulted and robbed my little sister. However, my past is not my potential because every saint has a past and every sinner a future. In closing, its said if you knew better then you'd do better. Well now you know me. I'm lonely and hope I can earn your friendship.