Name: Karl Vultee
Inmate I.D.: #261-518
Gender: Male
Race: Native American
DOB: 4/15/1958
In Search Of: Friends
Convicted Of: Assault
Release Date: Unknown

Karl Vultee #261-518
Madison Corr. Inst.
P.O. Box 740
London, OH 43140

How are you? Please know I'm a lonely guy down on his luck and looking for friends to write. I will write anyone and everyone. I do woodwork, read and work out. I make nice jewelry boxes, clocks, ships etc. I'm in top physical condition and active. I try and put as much into a friendship as I can. I like to share life's experiences and I'm open-minded. So if you feel like being that special person, take a chance on me. Thank you for considering my ad.

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Ad Started: 06/19/2016   Ad Expires: 06/19/2020