First and foremost, I want to thank all you real women out there for coming through and showing your support and consideration for us brothers behind these walls. It means a lot that you would acknowledge and accept us during these times where it seems like the people in our lives that we loved, trusted and gave the world to (or at least tried) and were loyal to most, are pulling out and turning their backs on us left and right. So I want to say for myself and on behalf of all the real men like myself, that I know behind these walls, we truly appreciate your willingness to want to build and get to know us despite our circumstances. I personally believe that it's times like these where love and friendship can be found. It's more than physical (and material); it's about building that spiritual, mental and emotional connection first! I need something real and I'm sure that you can agree. So walk with me; let's take our time and to get where God wants us to be. Facts.