Hi, you; hola. My name's Mark Anthony, and I'm going to let you in a big secret: prison is not what it's portrayed to be. Imagine a cross between a daycare center and the Bad Girls Club TV series. That's federal prison. *Sigh, I know. Sitting around all day and gossiping like a bunch of...women is definitely not my style; it's not what I signed up for. Real quick, let's make a deal: I'll keep it 100 with you, you keep it 100 with me. Cool? Okay so, yes, I've done some bad things (sold drugs), however, I'm not a bad guy. I just...got side-tracked in life and caught up in the moment. That's all. In fact, all my friends would be willing to vouch for me, and they'd likely say the exact same things: that I'm very intelligent, good-hearted, hilarious, unpredictable, unfiltered, eccentric. They'd probably also throw in that I was LA's nerdiest drug dealer, and comment on how retarded I am for trading a university education for Shank-Making 101 in prison. *Sigh. But hey, it could be worse, right!? Well, I'm here making the most of my situation, while trying very hard not to lose myself. I'm not a bum. Not a creep. Not a snitch. I'm just a good dude caught up in one of life's sticky spider webs; a good dude in need of intelligent conversation, and hard laughs. Art is my passion, music my lifeline, but no worries, I can hold my with in any type of conversation. Just reach out, keep it real, and be yourself. P.S. It was either take a not-so-cool pic with prison-issued Chomonator glasses, or take a cool, convict style pic with the Nike shades. Well, remember what I said? Bad Girls Club; so, I owe you another pic.