Name: Brian Williams
Inmate I.D.: #174190
Gender: Male
Race: African American
DOB: 6/3/1983
In Search Of: Friends
Convicted Of: Pimping
Release Date: 10/26/2026

Brian Williams #174190
Bent County CF
11560 County Rd FF.75
Los Animas, CO 81054

Hello Everyone out there. My name is Brian Williams and I'm looking to find a pen pal that has the time to write me and get to know me. I'm doing everything to keep positive and spend a lot of my time working on my appeal to prove that I was wrongfully convicted. I also workout every morning to keep myself in shape and do all the fitness programs they have to offer. I have always been loyal and faithful and want to find someone that is a fun-loving person who is honest and down to earth. I love reading books that open your mind about consciousness, about the universe and knowledge of Ancient History. I always find a way to smile and laugh and never take things too serious. I have never been the jealous type; it's too much drama. I've learned not to judge people, keep myself humble and keep the people around me positive. The best thing to do in a negative situation is become more positive and overcome the problems that face us. I really hope you find the time to write me.

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